Places to Visit
The Lake: This magnificent lake with boating facilities and a 4-km-long promenade skirting it are the main attractions of Kodaikanal.
Bryant Park: This park, situated on the eastern side of the lake, is full of colourful flowers. Cut flowers are exported from here. In May, the annual horticultural show is held.
Coaker's Walk: A kilometre's walk from the lake. It derives the name Lt. Coaker, who prepared the map of Kodai. Coaker's Walk runs along a steep, emerald green wooded slope. From Coaker's Walk one can have a breath-taking view of the plains below.
Green Valley View: Originally this was known as Suicide Point. It is about 5 km from the lake. From here, the Vaigai Dam below offers an enchanting view. There is also a Golf Club close by.
Pillar Rocks: About 7 km from the lake. There are three rocks magnificently jutting into the sky to a height of about 400 feet.
Kurinji Andavar Temple: 3.2 km from the lake. There are three rocks magnificently jutting into the sky to a height of about 400 feet.
Falls: The waterfalls around Kodaikanal include Bear Shola Falls, Silver Cascade, Glen Falls and Fairy Falls, the best of the lot. A swim at the foot of the Fairy Falls is refreshing.
Observatory: It is situated at the topmost point of Kodai (850 feet above the lake). The observatory is used mainly for research in meteorology and solar physics.
Telescope Houses: There are two Telescope Houses - one near the temple and the other at Coaker's Walk. Visitors can have a panoramic view of the valley and nearby townships through these telescopes.
Shenbaganur Museum: 5.5km from the lake. This flora and fauna museum, maintained by the Sacred Heart College, is worth a visit. The archaeological remains and the flora and fauna of the hills are on show here. Also located here is one of the best orchidariums in the country.